The words are in contrast or overlapped with values, stereotypes and social situations of the nation. This series is composed of many artworks. The words are assembled, shaped and glued. 
It means first of all learning to know the values of a nation, real values (not financials) to understand and discover details that usually are secondary in our routines. A chance to discover a different culture. Then, the selection of the keyword + currency is crucial. A unique binomial where the relationship becomes immediate, due to daily news. In other cases, a more in-depth research is needed.
The main concept plays with contrasts and overlapping meanings, while the form focuses on the internal rhythm of the word. Every banknote/currency has a unique alphabet lettering proportion. To understand the relationship between letters, it was fundamental to build an alphabet, initial research of shapes and options is really important to develop rhythm inside every word. Every meaning has been expressed also through the shape, where a bit of serendipity was welcomed (as glue does its job).
THE LETTERBOX, Aluminium and wood 570x630x55mm. Letters have been created using pieces in proportion to the EURO banknote currency.
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